Fórum Brasileiro de IOT | O Futuro da IoT e a Visão Europeia - Seminario Internacional em portugues - agende - 14 jul 2020 - 10 as 12 horas
O Futuro da IoT e a Visão Europeia - Seminario Internacional em portugues - agende - 14 jul 2020 - 10 as 12 horas

O Futuro da IoT e a Visão Europeia - Seminario Internacional em portugues - agende - 14 jul 2020 - 10 as 12 horas
Sao Paulo SP
O Fórum Brasileiro de IoT tem a satisfação de anunciar um Seminário Internacional, em português, gratuito, trazendo a visão europeia de tendências e usos de IoT, dia 14 de julho, das 10h00 às 12h00.

O Futuro da IoT e a Visão Europeia



Prof. José Rolim

Algorithmic Aspects of Mobile Crowdsensing


Resumo: We start this talk  discussing  the evolution of  wireless sensor networks  into crowdsourcing or the practice of obtaining services, ideas, content or other system resources by soliciting contributions from a large, open and potentially undefined group of people, rather than from employees, suppliers or experts. We discuss how to provide incentives (financial, social, or entertainment) to all or a subset of crowd members in order to  maximize participation in the crowdsourcing process. This process is generated by crowdsensing or the practice of collecting sensory data, usually via smart personal devices. We will talk about mobile crowdsensing systems which are distributed systems consisting of crowdsourced resources that seek to collaboratively exploit their embedded sensory and computational capabilities to perform a task. Differently from wireless sensor networks such systems have significant computational capabilities and significant communication capabilities with agile architectures. We will discuss schemes for balancing loads in crowdsensing applications and we will finalize by showing the project NoiseBay  which created a noise map of the  San Francisco Bay Area using load balanced data collected anonymously  by citizens and visitors of the greater Bay Area. This project was financed by Swissnex San Francisco in collaboration with the University of Geneva.

Prof Dr. José Roberto de Almeida Amazonas

Internet das Nano-coisas: aplicações e desafios


Resumo: A Internet das Coisas já é um conceito conhecido e suas aplicações começam a ser incorporadas na vida cotidiana. Com o avanço da nanotecnologia torna-se possível a implementação da Internet das Nano-coisas em que os dispositivos passam a ter dimensões nanométricas e podem ser incorporados em aplicações que se estendem da cosmética, passam pelas industriais e chegam às médicas. A Internet das Nano-coisas caracteriza-se por empregar uma quantidade imensa de dispositivos, que devem trabalhar cooperativamente sob severas limitações de recursos disponíveis, tais como: energia, capacidade de processamento e armazenamento. Nesta palestra serão discutidos o conceito da Internet das Nano-coisas, aspectos arquiteturais e os desafios representados pelo roteamento e confiabilidade.

Pedro Maló

IoT Catalogue - the one-stop-source for Internet of Things



Resumo: The ‘IoT Catalogue’ is the one-stop-source for Internet of Things (IoT) knowledge, innovations and technologies, aiming to help IoT stakeholders (developers, integrators, advisors, end-users, etc.) to take the most advantage of the Internet of Things for the benefit of society, businesses and individuals. It is an explorer for innovations in IoT applications and technologies; it is a web-based tool that enables to pick & choose IoT solutions; it is a wide repository of knowledge, use cases, contacts, etc. of the Internet of Things. A key purpose of the ‘IoT Catalogue’ is enabling users to explore IoT solutions based on domain-related Value Propositions and/or ICT Problems described on use-cases defined along applications domains. The ‘IoT Catalogue’ also enables users to inspect solutions and technologies from other domains that might fit to their intents or analyse use-cases similar to their projects thus promoting synergies and reusability between application domains. The ‘IoT Catalogue’ has been developed with the support of funding from the European Union’s research and innovation  programmes. It was initiated in the context of the H2020 WAZIUP EU-Africa project as to catalogue and share the project’s IoT technological solutions and use cases. Since then, it has been further developed and scaled-up in EU RTD projects such as the H2020 IoF2020 IoT Large Scale Pilot to hold the results of the project’s agri-food use-cases’ synergy analysis results.

Sessão de Perguntas e Respostas ao final


Prof. José Rolim

Jose Rolim (M) is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Geneva where he leads the Theoretical Computer Science and Sensor Lab (TCS- Sensor Lab). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles working together with Prof. S. Greibach. He has published several articles on the areas of distributed systems and randomization. Prof. Rolim participates in the editorial board of several journals and conferences and he is the Steering Committee Chair and General Chair of the IEEE Distributed Computing Conference in Sensor Systems. He has high expertise in Complexity of Algorithms, Modelling of Networks and important results in energy and power aware computing. He has been Invited Professor several times at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles during many years. He has been director of the Centre Universitaire dInformatique and the Computer Science Department for more than ten years. Prof. Rolim has participated in more than 30 European and Swiss Research Projects being the main leader in several of them.



Prof. Dr. José Roberto de Almeida Amazonas

Prof. Sênior do Departamento de Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Controle, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Obteve os títulos de Engenheiro Eletricista, Mestre, Doutor e Livre-Docente em Engenharia Elétrica pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo em 1979, 1983, 1988 e 1996, respectivamente. Realizou cursos de especialização na Ecole Superieure dElectricite (Paris), no Massachusets Institute of Technology (U.S.A.) e na University of California at Berkeley (U.S.A.).

É professor da Escola Politécnica da USP desde 1981, aposentado desde 2017.

É autor do livro Projeto de Sistemas de Comunicações Ópticas (Editora Manole, 2005). Colaborou em 6 capítulos do livro Sistemas Telefônicos de autoria do Prof. Paul Jean Etienne Jeszensky (Editora Manole, 2004). É autor de mais de 100 artigos e relatórios técnicos publicados em periódicos e anais de congressos nacionais e internacionais. É autor de vários capítulos em livros sobre a Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things) tanto a nível nacional como a nível internacional, editados pelo IERC (Internet of Things European Research Cluster). É co-autor do livro Internet Teletraffic Modeling and Estimation (River Publishers, 2013).

Foi membro consultor da Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia da OAB-SP.

Foi o representante brasileiro no projeto CASAGRAS2 financiado pela Comissão Europeia.

Atualmente é professor convidado da Universidade de Antioquia (Colômbia) e da Universidade Politécnica da Catalunha (Espanha).

Desenvolve trabalhos de pesquisa em cooperação com a Universidade Livre de Bruxelas (Bélgica), Universidade Bournemouth (Inglaterra), Universidade de Patras (Grécia) e Universidade de Genebra (Suíça).

Foi diretor de relações internacionais do Fórum Brasileiro de Internet das Coisas.




Pedro Maló

Professor at the Electrotechnical Engineering Department (DEE) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT NOVA), Senior Researcher at UNINOVA research institute and Entrepreneur at UNIPARALLEL Innovation research-driven hi-tech SME in Portugal. Graduated and MSc in Computer Science and holding a PhD in Computer Engineering with research interests on interoperability and integrability of (complex) systems with special emphasis on Cyber-Physical Systems / Internet of Things. Pedro coined novel methods and tools such as the Plug and Play Interoperability (PnI) solution for large-scale data interoperability or the NOVAAS (NOVA Asset Administration Shell) that establishes the guidelines and methodology for industry digitisation by integrating industrial assets into a Industrie4.0 communication backbone. As an entrepreneur, Pedro initiated the development of the IoT Catalogue that aims to be the whole-earth catalogue of the Internet of Things (IoT). Pedro has 20+ years practice in the management, research and technical coordination/development of RTD and innovation projects in ICT domains especially addressing data technologies, systems interoperability and integration solutions. Pedro is a recognised Project Manager and S&T Coordinator of European/National RTD and industry projects with skills in the coordination of both co-localised and geographical dispersed work teams operating in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.


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